- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- In today''s world of the web, having the name is just as important - maybe even moreso - as having the content. A memorable domain name (www.yoursite.com) can increase the number of visitors to your site exponentially; as well as repeat hits fro...
- WHOIS is a fully-functional domain whois script that looks up .COM, .NET, .ORG, and .EDU domains and retrieves information regarding the specified domain. It can be used by all users if you wish or can be kept to yourself.
- WHOIS PRO is an easy to install and easy to use whois domain name checking script that automatically checks multiple extensions and gives you all of the results at one time. WHOIS PRO checks .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us, .co.uk, .me.uk, and .or...
- This scans any URL you enter and checks all links for certain words and returns whois info for those links
- WHOIS PLUS+ is an easy to install and easy to use whois domain name checking script that automatically checks multiple extensions and gives you all of the results at one time. WHOIS PLUS+ checks .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us, .co.uk, .me.uk, and...
- The WHOIS domain name search that works with all registrars. Check domain name registrations, look up domain names, IP addresses, nameservers, registrars, etc. Remotely hosted, free use.
- A Perl/CGI script that uses HTML templates so you can totally customise the look and feel. This script works with almost any Domain Name extension (currently over 200).
- A collection of Perl/CGI scripts that can be used to allow your customers to perform a whois search on your site. a) A standard search, b) A multi search c) A .name search
- igWhois is an easy to install, easy to use Perl based whois lookup script. igWhois can search all top level domains (TLDs) and second level domains (SLDs) outputting the result in a configurable HTML template. You can easily customize the template ...
- DueToExpire Pro is a powerful shell script that searches Yahoo and Dmoz for domain names that are due to expire. You tell the script the dates to search for and it does the rest. Results are printed in &"comma delimited&" format so ...