- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- Supply your own digital image, specify the number of pieces and solve. This puzzle applet can be used offline in a Java 1.2-enabled browser, or put on a webpage.
- In five round you must guess the count of birds flying across your screen. Feel free to put this game on your own website. Download from my homepage.
- This Java applet implements a fully configurable image chaining game.
- Alien War is an arcade style shoot-em up game. A freeware java game which you may play here or freely add to your own web pages. Full instructions for adding to your own web pages are included.
- This Java applet implements a fun number guessing game. Number of digits, title text, colors, fonts, and buttons are all customizable.
- This Java applet implements the kid''s classical dot-to-dot game. Title image, text, colors, fonts, and gridlines are all customizable. You can provide your own figure with a list of dot coordinates and lines.
- This Java applet implements a fun word hunting game. Title image, text, colors, fonts, and gridlines are all customizable. Simply provide a list of words and the program will automatically generate a scrambled word game for you.
- This Java applet implements a fully configurable tetris-like game. Customize the game with your favorite banner and icon images.
- A nice Breakout variation with bonus-stages, bosses, multi-ball, bonus blocks, penalty items, etc. It has nice graphics and a clean design.
- This Java applet implements a fully configurable board game which resembles a classic game &"reversi&" in its spirit. You can convert all your opponent''s pieces into yours by sandwiching them from both ends. Whoever owns more ...