JavaTips and Tutorials → Development

Concurrency in JDK 5.0 Tutorial

JDK 5.0 added major new support for developing concurrent applications, including JVM changes, new low-level synchronization utilities, and higher-level, thread-safe, high-performance concurrency classes such as thread pools, concurrent collections, ...
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Annotations in Tiger (J2SE 5.0)

Annotations, a new feature in J2SE 5.0 (Tiger), brings a much-needed metadata facility to the core Java language. In this first of a two-part series, author Brett McLaughlin explains why metadata is so useful, introduces you to annotations in the Jav...
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Java Performance Tuning w/ Fat Clients

Tuning isn''t always about speed, sometimes other aspects of the application need fixing. When your application needs tuning, your first course of action is normally to monitor the application with a profiler. But profiling is not always practic...
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    • Linux
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    • Freeware

Introducing the Reflexive User Interface Builder

The IBM Reflexive User Interface Builder (RIB), a new technology available from alphaWorks, is an application and toolkit for building and rendering Java AWT/Swing and Eclipse SWT GUIs. RIB specifies a flexible and easy-to-use XML markup language for...
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Data Management in J2EE Apps

This article examines two data management strategies available on the Java platform: Java object serialization and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). While neither data management strategy is inherently superior or inferior to the other, when it come...
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    • Linux
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    • Freeware

Unclogging Server Bottlenecks w/ Active Containers

In server-side control architectures a majority of the control events must be handled on the server side to update the state of the control. For every user event, the entire page data is sent back to the server as part of the form submission, even da...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
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    • Freeware

Tracing in a Multithreaded, Multiplatform Environment

Most Java programmers use some kind of tracing system to keep track of potential errors and problems in code under development. However, multithreaded and multiplatform systems can generate a large and baffling amount of tracing data. This article of...
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    • Linux
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    • Freeware

Using Aspect-Oriented Programming to Maintain Legacy Java Apps

In an enterprise environment, you can easily end up in a tangle of modules with a number of third-party libraries and frameworks. While a number of tools are available to aid you in comprehending complex programs, most are expensive and time-consumin...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
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    • Freeware

Demystifying Extreme Programming: Just-in-time design

People who aren''t familiar with XP are bothered by the concept of just-in-time (JIT) design -- designing and implementing what you know you need right now and not worrying about future design issues until absolutely necessary. While this approa...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Scaling Web services and applications with JavaGroups

As the J2EE platform has matured, it has opened up the opportunity to deploy commodity servers in networked cluster configurations for scaling of Web services and Web applications at the Web tier. These commodity servers, interconnected through commo...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware
