JavaScriptScripts and ProgramsNavigation → Form Based

Pulldown Menu

This is a simple pulldown navigation menu script. You can set up unlimited number of links and make it easier on your visitors to find their way around your site and/or around the Internet.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Quick Jump

Similar to the location box in your browsers, just enter a complete web site address (starting with http://) in the box and press enter to jump to that site.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Pulldown Menu (Popup)

After the user selects an option in the pulldown menu, the new page opens in a new window. This is useful when linking to sites not within your site when you do not want the user to leave your site. Your site will remain open in the other window so t...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Pulldown Menu (Description)

If you have plenty of space on you webpage or just would like to use a more comprehensive menu list, then this script might suit you nicely. This script allows you to select a link from a scrolling text box and then displays a message concerning the ...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Pulldown Menu (Automatic in Frames)

This is an automatic pulldown menu, but in frames. It allows you to have the link open in a different frame of your site.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Pulldown Menu (Automatic)

This Javascript will display an ordinary-looking menu. Once a link is selected, the visitor is automatically taken to the website without hitting ''Go!'' or any other submit buttons.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Pulldown Menu (Frames)

If you would like to use a pulldown menu, but would like to do so in frames, this is the script for you. One frame will contain the pulldown menu and the selections will be opened in the other frames.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware
