- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- This free script will allow you to give your customers and clients the ability to download files from locations not specifically in your website root. For example, if you want to store the files in a secure location not on your site, and want your c...
- Platforms
- Licenses
- Other Free / Open Source License
- Rapid Leech is a free server transfer script for use on various popular upload/download sites such as rapidshare.de - The script transfers files from rapid share (for example) via your fast servers connection speed and dumps the file on your server.
- This package allows you set up a profitable download site without the need for fiddly databases or other needless complications. Simply upload the files and the site is ready. Easy to customise and takes up very little space itself. Comes with a &...
- Platforms
- Licenses
- Other Free / Open Source License
- This is a system which allows you to coordinate your bittorrent download with your friends or other members of an online community to try and reduce the problem of &"no seeders&".
Secureloads is innovative PHP application installed on your website to provide web based share and protection of a file folder of your web server.
The main idea behind this application is to allow your clients or partners get the files they pai...
- NEW !! NEW !! NEW --V5 What does this do?? In a nutshell: It Totally protects your Downloads from leeching and Download Accelerators by serving each download from outside Public directory AND using Password Protected Directory access. This is all do...
- YouSendIt Clone is almost exactly like the popular services
called yousendit, youshareit, etc. How it works: For the administrator you can
limit the file sizes, file types, amount of times a file can be sent, put a time
limit on the file and se...
- This small Tool is a kind of mini document management system. Documents, diagrams and much more besides can be assigned over an browser-based admin area to free-definable groups. Thus data can be provided to users in order to download in a secured ...
- Filemanager is an Application written in PHP 5 using a MySQL Database and an FTP-Account to upload and share Files. Its possible to create Users, Groups and Categorys to restrict access to defined user Groups. Language: German
- This is an Anti-leech, download limiter / file manager, that uses tokens to verify downloads instead of HTTP_REFERER or IP which can be spoofed or changed. Good coding practice with modern PHP security. XHTML / CSS valid output. Easy to customize wit...