- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- The PHP Report classes are used to create html report pages from a generic result set array. A result set is any array you can came up with. That usually means the result of a sql query, and normally it is not ready for display. The classes here are ...
- Smartmagnet is a smart cloaking + multidoorway script.
- IPB_deletePosts is a little tool that is intended to make deleting posts an easy task. In the normal IPB (Invsion Power Board) you have to hit the DELETE Button then confirm and then delete the next post. If you want to clean a whole topic, this can ...
- A simple and effective script that allows you to implement bbcode type behaviour on your php website. You can redefine any of the BBCode elements with the built-in CSS Styles.
- Unlike the conventional board, this one works pretty much like post-it notes, stuck randomly. You can drag them around in order to find others hidden behind.
- Just another basic algorithmic encryption example.
- This function will split any word, be it misspelled or correct, into an identification number which can then be used to read from a dictionary file of words. This function is mainly used for spell checking with a database file.
- This script turns the user unfriendly markings from any Athlon XP ot Athlon Thunderbird based processor to human readable information such as CPU frequency, FSB, operating voltage, cache size, multiplier and so on. One of the most useful function is ...
- Do you often need to read serial numbers or codes over the phone? If so, this script should help. Use it to translate any alphanumeric text into the Nato phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, etc). This should help the person on the other end of the phone...
- koha-php is easy to install and modify open-source library automation software.