- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
Make your website navigation clean and accessible with Deluxe JavaScript Menus! Cross-browser. Cross-frame. Search engine friendly. Cool styles. Easy setup. Hundreds of visual effects. Free for Non-Profit Websites!
- FINALLY there''s a way to remember the shopping cart contents of users who haven''t registered or haven''t logged in to your xcart e-commerce store! Imagine the sales you''ve lost to date by not remember the shopping cart contents...
- Product Map (A-Z) for X-Cart provides an alphabetical listing of your products for increased search engine spidering and easy product browsing. For stores with many products, site maps are not ideal, as most SEO gurus recommend not to display more th...
- Using ezUpsell with X-Cart allows you to increase customer conversion and order totals on your xcart ecommerce store, by presenting the customer with a new page after they add a product to their cart. The page contains Continue Shopping and Checkout ...
- Category SEO Map for X-Cart modifies x-cart''s subcategory to display to improve your x-cart SEO by modifying your internal link structure with subcategory pages linked from the parent category listing. With the Category SEO Map for x-cart inst...
- Custom Dynamic Search Engine Optimized Links for X-Cart is the ultimate search engine optimized link solution for xcart, allowing you customized control over your product and category urls by allowing you to manually type the urls you want into textb...
- This script basically detects the visitors IP Address and returns the country accordingly. Fairly simple to use. There is just one function currently but I''ve got plans to expand it further.
When the function get_user_country is called it...
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- Translates base 10 numbers into different bases, also including semi-positional Roman base.
- A class performing factorization, sieve of Erathostenes and more ...
- SF Recipe Script allows visitors to add their favorite recipes in the categories that you create. Members can also email recipes to others on the Internet that they find in your database. Site admins can easily add/modify/delete recipes under these c...
- PHP based script that will import entire user profile from a Facebook Account. Great script
if you are planing to make the life easier for users of your site by populating their user
fields from their facebook profile. Good results with drupal an...