PHPScripts and Programs → XML and PHP


QuickHP is a kind of content management system with a new approach. It uses XML and XSLT to provide a compatible source format and very different target formats. The user interface allows comfortable file handling and features like file history (vers...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware


phpRPC is meant to be an easy to use xmlrpc library. Function syntax, and plugging into most weblogs (xoops, nuke, pn, etc) is greatly simplified with the use of database/rpc-protocol abstraction. It should run on any php server with most datbases.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware


Class to generate an XML document from a mysql table. You define the database and table names and the xml tag names to be used for each table field. Where clauses are also supported. Updated to PHP4 and the PEAR DB Class.
  • Platforms
    • Linux,
    • Windows,
    • FreeBSD
  • Licenses
    • Freeware


A simple function to insert a RDF news source. It caches the output and by default downloads the source again once the cache is more then 1 hour old. Does not require the XML extension to PHP or mysql. Output comes in a bulleted list, but does not ta...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

UPS Tracking XML Tool integration

By using XML to accomplish your e-commerce site tracking with UPS online tools, you can add a very professional utility to your site. Visitors will not leave your page and you control 100% of the layout and the response variables using an XML class f...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

eZ xml

eZ xml is a DOM XML parser written in 100% PHP that is compatible with the libXml DOM parser. eZ xml will parse well formed XML and return an object tree. It will report errors if the XML is not well formed.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

SearchHippo HTTP XML web search API

This simple snippet allows you to interface with the SearchHippo web search engine''s http xml api. You must have expat compiled in to use this snippet. You can layer mostly any presentation around the results that come back. This is very simila...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

eZ xmlrpc

eZ xmlrpc is a PHP implementation of the XML-RPC spec. It enables distributed computing between different operating systems using different programming languages. The messages are XML-based and are transported via HTTP. It includes both the server an...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

XSLT sablotron extension in PHP4

The author notes &"Since PHP4.0.3RC2 the sablotron extension for XSLT is shipped with PHP. I wrote therefore a most simple class, which should allow a basic understanding, of how it works.&"
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware


class.xml.php is an extremely easy to use XML Tree and statistic parser. It uses PHP''s XML functions for you, returning all the objects in the XML file in an easy to use Tree. It also can be used as a statistics-type program, as you can use the...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware
