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- 40,829 scripts
- There''s a lot of PHP code available for free on the net but also not all of it can run on your system as it is. This article shows you how to distribute a setup required by your program to run.
- Some pointers to debugging your code along with a few hints on how to avoid making silly mistakes in your code.
- If else statements have been proven to be some of the most valuable functions in PHP. This tutorial is a good simple introduction that spells it all out for you.
- A very popular technique to better display content on your website utilizing MySQL and PHP to alternate your row colors of the tables your content is listed in.
- This tutorial is a follow-on to the Introduction to If Else Statements - Part 1. Here we show you how to exercise your mind utilizing If Else Statements to build an online 5 star rating system that allows users to vote on your content.
- Simple PHP scripting on how to create a drop down menu using an array function.
- PHP is a very fast programming language, but there is more to optimizing PHP than just speed of code execution. This article explains why optimizing PHP involves many factors which are not code related, and why tuning PHP requires an understanding of...
- This is a brief introductory tutorial on how to use arrays in PHP.
- PHP was originally developed to run on the Unix/Linux operating system but was soon after ported to the Win32 platform. It supports a huge amount of Windows-only functionality, such as instantiating COM objects through code. This article looks at how...
- Using and manipulating variables in PHP is extremely easy because PHP includes several functions to help us compare and contrast them. This article introduces us to the range of PHP data types. It also teaches us how to work with and manipulate PHP d...