- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- Free Forum Hosting - phpBB and IPB message boards allows you to setup a free online chat forum instantly with full control over your free chat forum
- Wideforums provides no hassle instant activation free forum hosting. With over 330 skins, 60 languages and no limits on activity, storage or bandwidth we are the best choice for hosting your forums instantly!
Now hosting hundreds of forums!
- Members can signup and start their own phpBB Forum instantly. Start you own forum for any topics, hobbies, news, school, local info, gaming, clans, and more. All accounts are activated automatically and you ca customize the template from our list of ...
- Platforms
- Licenses
- Other Free / Open Source License
- Create a free phpBB forum with no limits, admin control panel, over 300 styles, logo upload mod, many languages, and much more
- BB Services offers ad - supported IPB 1.3 Final and Ad - Free PHPBB forum hosting! We have a good looking site with PHPBB powered Support Forums!
Enjoy your stay with BB Services!
- Platforms
- Licenses
- Other Free / Open Source License
- We provide webmasters and site owners with a chance to own there own phpBB based forum, it is remotely hosted on our server, so you have no bandwidth bills and do not need to have any special scripting knowledge.
We take care of the hard stuff ...
- Platforms
- Licenses
- Other Free / Open Source License
- Here at 7Q8.NET we let you sign up for a free account to get your free invision power board forum online in a matter of 5 min!
If you thinking about getting a top level domain name for your forum for FREE you can have one right now.
- Platforms
- Licenses
- Other Free / Open Source License
- Offer forums hosted by Dryx Webservices FREE .You can have your own forum without puchasing any webspace. Fully accessable forum admin management and features.
- HostSMF offers free, remotely hosted Simple Machines Forums. The forums we host run lightening fast, and are powered by the powerful Simple Machines Forum software. The forums are jam packed with features, and have simple, non intrusive ads placed ...
- Jabberboards: the service that gives you phpBB hosting just that way you want.
No ad hosting and free subdomains are just among some of our features. If you are looking for a free phpBB host with no ads, subdomains, plenty of customization feat...