Tags → Javascript Currency

Currency converter and exchange rate calculator

This is a free to use (unbranded) ajax powered currency converter and dynamic real-time rates convertion. Just add one line of javascript to convert exchange rates for your website. If you want flexibility then this is for you.

Currency Converter

Currency converter for easy currency localization of your on-line store or web site. The currency converter is based on JavaScript && remotely hosted PHP scripts, and can be integrated into any web site or shopping cart. This was originally m...

jsCurrecnyInput: Currency Input component with Calculator.

Very usefull control for currency input with PopUp calculator. This control is based on JavaScript code and was tested on Netscape and IE platforms. It is fully customized through CSS file.

Currency Converter

Projects Pool provides a free unbranded customizable currency converter for easy currency localization of your on-line store or web site. The currency converter is based on JavaScript && remotely hosted PHP scripts, and can be integrated into...

Paypal Donation/Subscription Multi Currency Chooser

For use on websites needing to accept PayPal Subscriptions/Donations in all currencies, this simple javascript eliminates the need to have a seperate button for each PayPal currency. Change currency values for your desired amounts and when your us...