Tags → Javascript Form

Rich Form Fields

Rich Form is a JavaScript that allows to automatically convert normal form fields (textareas, input fields, buttons, checkboxes, selects...) into more interactive fields. For example you can convert a TEXTAREA in a embedded HTML editor, or a dropdown...

JavaScript Form Validator

Writing form validations in JavaScript is commonly required for all web forms. Writing long, repetitive validations is a real hassle for web developers. Save yourself from coding long validations for your web page forms. Here is a simple, powerful c...

BreezingForms for Joomla! 1.5 (The new FacileForms)

Because FacileForms is no longer under active development and not planned to be ported to Joomla! 1.5, we decided to fork and continue its development. These are the new features so far: * Drag and Drop for form items and WYSIWYG editor sur...

TPCS Referrer verification/validation

Do you want to make sure that your visitors can only access your content via your domain. This Javascript is very useful for this. This javascript verifies that the request for the page (containing the script) was made from a page on your domain. Thi...
