- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- English Discuz! Board one of the most powerful internet forum script base on PHP, supporting MySQL and PostgreSQL database management systems. It included all features of any others commercial forum but it is free and open source. Version 7 with hig...
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- Commercial License,
- Free for non-commercial use
- MySQL2PostgreSQL Pro is database converter which performs MySQL to PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL to MySQL conversion. Features: Unicode Support, Primary keys and Indexes conversion, Interactive (GUI)/command line mode, Built-in scheduler, Renaming of ta...
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- perlHYIP is a High Yields Investment Program or HYIP script written in perl and used MySQL or PostgreSQL database. Supports PayPal, e-gold, INTGold, e-Bullion, StormPay and any other e-currencies.
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- EMS Data Comparer for PostgreSQL is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for data comparison and synchronization. You can view all the differences in compared tables and execute an automatically generated script to eliminate these differences. Flexible...
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