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The latest edition of JCcorp scripts is JCpartner. JCpartner allows you to keep track of your website partners/ referals. Users can register their website link, which requires admin authorisation, in return for displaying yours. Different...


Powerful blog editor for WordPress, Typepad, MovableType and other blogs. Automates images uploading support (Flickr, ImageShack, FTP). Integrates with Firefox, IE, Word, RSS Bandit, FeedDemon, Sharp Reader. Provides assistance in managing existing...

The Google PageRank Checker Tool

Awesome traffic generator! The PageRank Checker Tool is not just another Google page rank checker tool. This one really works! It returns the Google PageRank for multiple web sites in addition to verifying listings in DMOZ and Yahoo, and returns the ...

Scriptomania, PHP IDE with HTML, JavaScript, MySQL support

Scriptomania is an HTML / PHP / MySQL / JavaScript editor used to design static as well as dynamic web pages, with the whole power of these languages combined together. Scriptomania allows you to build highly advanced web pages without the need of a ...

Cake Timer

Yes you''ve heard right! Well, but before you begin to drool all over the place, there is one downside: it requires a Perl script that allows you to know the upload progress. But besides this little downer you have a maximum of flexibility regar...
