Tags → Tab Script


TabStrip.XML is a lightweight, yet powerful AJAX-based script for creating tabbed interfaces for websites. It is easy to configure by simply adding a few lines of code and defining tabstrip placeholder (a &<div&>... &</div&&g...

Peel Away Ads

We''ve all seen it, the little peel tab in the corner of the web page. Well, Now you too can have this feature that will help improve your conversions and grab the users attention. The script is very easy to install and in around 5 minutes, you ...

Create an excel sheet

Using tab delimited numbers, this script displays a table of powers inside a file which extension is xls. There is a demo.

Import csv data into mysql

This comes handy because you can simple edit the appropriate fields, upload it along with the csv file and call it from the web and it will do the rest. It allows you to specify the delimiter in this csv file, whether it is a coma, a tab etc. It al...

Building Tabbed Content

In this workshop, you''ll be building a tabbed content browser that''s Ajax powered. Whenever a user clicks a tab the script will communicate with the server and send back the appropriate data for that tab.

Tab Content script

This is a CSS/HTML based Tab Content script that lets you organize regular DIV contents on the page into a tab interface, in which clicking on a tab reveals the associated DIV content. It supports much requested features such as default tab selected,...

Ajax Tabs content

This tab content script uses Ajax to let you display a selection of external content on your page inside a DIV and via CSS tabs.

Advanced JSMenu

Advanced JSMenu is a cool script that adds a drop down menus, context menus, trees or tab controls to your page. It''s free, small, easy to use and extremely hight customizable with CSS. Each menu is implemented as plain HTML on the page, making...


TabThing is a JavaScript tab control similar to the tab control used by the Windows GUI. The tab control allows the user to select a tab which shows its own content in the frame below. PHP is used as the backend of the script and uses DOM to update t...

Tab Content script

Tab Content Script is a standards compliant, 2 level content script. Click on a tab, and additional content appears beneath it while contracting any previously open content.
