
Updated: 01/15/2009

Crimebuilder Source | Multi Gangster Mafia Builder

Allow visitors to start their own online Gangster Multiplayer Game and earn money with each calling itself player. The source is so constructed that everyone, even without any knowledge, can setup the source within a few seconds. Delivered in multilanguage and over 100 Phone payment countries In total, the Crime Builder Source on more than 150 different options, casinos companies, murders and crimes. Of course, the complete source for an entirely unique layout and you get a temporary 2nd layout for free, smooth gameplay, and comes with a clear English installation manual, so that your game online source within a few minutes running. In addition, the complete source available in Dutch and English. These languages are built into separate files. You can completely change from all languages, only 1 file. The source has options like: crimes, deal, streetsrace, kill, gym, casino's, business, start gangster families and lots more!!! Also included multiple layouts!!!