
Updated: 09/28/2008


phPhotoGallery is a simple, easy to use and install PHP based photo and video gallery program. It uses DHTML/javascript to give the viewer an animated photo browser. It also provides a simple tree control for browsing directories, a browser bar for navigating photos, and supports video directories as well as photos.The program automatically generates thumb nails for all your photos, and doesn't require a database. It scans directories of photos and videos in real time, so the user sees all the photos automatically. No "adding" process required. Simply upload the pictures and videos, and the users can immediately view them. The program doesn't get overly complicated and doesn't require complex configuration. Simply upload the program directory, your photos and videos, and you are ready to go. phPhotoGallery has a built in password protected admin control panel for changing common parameters, making customization easy. And best of all it is completely freeware.