
Updated: 08/09/2008

Cover Flow

Cover Flow flash script is a iTunes - or Mac like presentation of cd covers / photos / or any other images. The cover images and their description is defined in an external xml file. The cover script parameters (such as cover width, height, fade amount) are also defined in an external xml file and it is possible to use dynamic urls for the xml files definitions. Features: - cover flow parameters configurable using xml file - cover flow images and their description is defined in xml file - JavaScript function with custom parameter is called when a cover is clicked on - scalable : use one swf for different movie sizes - fast : AS3 version, performs fine with 200+ images (or even more) - free and open source for non-commercial use!
  • Categories
  • Platforms
    • Linux,
    • Windows,
    • FreeBSD,
    • Mac OSX
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License,
    • Other Free / Open Source License
  • Author
    • YoFLA - Matus Laco