
Updated: 09/09/2008

Article directory script

Admin Options * Add / edit / remove categories * Highly configurable site parameters * Configure all outgoing email contents * Article management console * Post new articles * Approve/disapprove existing or new articles * Monitor comments posted by members * Admin can configure duration after which a visitor can rate same article again * Accept/ decline submitted articles * Member management console * Search members database * Signup Email Verification (Turn on / off) * Member Approval (Turn on / off) * Article Approval (Turn on / off) * Comments Approval (Turn on / off) * Authors management console * Add/remove/edit authors * Configure display parameters of the site * Search subscribers * Admin can Add/Edit/Delete/Approve/D isapprove any article * Support for running google AdWords * Share google adwords revenue * Enable / Disable membership option * Create plan, view payment history.