
Updated: 12/05/2000

Apache Toolbox

Apache Toolbox provides a means to easily compile Apache with SSL, PHP (v4 or v3) imap+mcrypt+mhash+postgres+mysql+xml+ldap, MySQL, ZendOptimizer, mod_auth_nds, mod_dynvhost, WebDAV, mod_fastcgi, mod_gzip, mod_layout, mod_throttle, mod_accessref, mod_auth_sys, mod_bandwidth, mod_auth_ldap, mod_roaming, mod_perl, mod_jserv, OpenLDAP, mod_dtcl, mod_python, and the latest gd libraries with PNG support. It is fully customizable and menu driven. Everything is compiled from source. It checks for RPMs that might cause problems and uses wget to automatically download the source if it''s missing.