
Updated: 04/07/2008

Multisites Search

This component can search Categories / Contacts / Content / Newsfeeds / Sections / Weblinks in all the Joomla sites, that are listed in the component setup - no matter where the sites are located! You can list all the sites to search you want, but you of course must have access rights to the databases. And it can be done on all the servers you list in the setup!!! You can even choose which prefix to use if you have different prefixes in a database - when adding a site the component contact the database to test the connection!!! The search result is shown in a menu item from a normal component link. Choose to search in: * Categories * Newsfeeds * Contacts * Sections * Content * Weblinks Other features: * Log/delete search strings * Statistics for search strings (words, hits and the size of the log file) * Set length of Search Word * In the front end: All sites listed in the component setup are listed on the front-end