
Updated: 11/10/2000

Quiz Cards

Quiz Cards is designed as an aid for studying and learning. It is a Java application that can be used to create sets of flash cards and then quiz yourself with them. Features include: two-sided cards are collected into stacks, each side of a card may contain either a picture, text or two strings of text (e.g. a meaning of a word and an example using that word), different types of cards may be mixed within a single stack, the images or text of a card may have a sound file associated with it and you can quiz yourself with those sounds, stacks can contain cards sets which are used to organize the cards in a stack into different groupings, you can quiz yourself on the cards in a set or on all the cards in the stack, as you learn the information on a card during a quiz you can drop it from the quiz and concentrate on the remaining cards, XML is used as the format for the stack file.