
Updated: 04/17/2008


This PHP based generic form handling script was written as a replacement for the ever popular Matt''s FormMail. Forms created for use with Matt''s FormMail will work seamlessly with PHPFormHandle. Our form handler will parse the results of any form and send them to the specified user. PHPFormHandle is secure, spam proof, full featured and can be setup in minutes. Features: easy 5 minute setup, validation built in for common form fields such as name and email address, time zone on email results can be configured (PHP 5 required), recipient email can be included in forms or hidden to protect from spammers * supports required fields and field sorting in results, filters spam email based on parameters you define, supports ip blocking for additional spam filtering, validates referror and checks recipient domain to protect against form hijacking, optional email notifications when spam or hijacking attempts occur, header && footer includes for custom design, free or full featured versions