
Updated: 11/14/2007

Youtube video search and play script

The script will connect to Youtube and launch a search query using the keyword specified in the call (1 simple function call will do). The result will be analyzed by the script and the video displayed accordingly. No panic concerning your server bandwidth because the video is streamed directly from youtube servers! This little script is very powerful: it will allow you to put videos very quickly on any kind of websites using a simple word as an input criteria!. A powerful caching mechanism based on files will store and restore the previous results during 1h to preserve your server bandwidth. Each search is done via a simple function call accepting some extra parameters: you can change the resulting video size, and influence the number of videos to be displayed in the result, auto-start and more. Very easy to integrate in your own code: 1 function call! Every parameter can be changed in a configuration file (cache folder names, cache duration, etc). Look the demo on