
Updated: 08/27/2007

MyDBDB MySQL multi-databases browser

This set of scripts can be used, with minor customization, to access multiple MySQL databases (hence, &"DBDB&"), even at different servers (if they are accessible from the web server where these scripts run), for displaying data in multiple tables of said databases. At this time, only SQL SELECT queries are supported. But you can execute Joins, use Group By, Order By, etc. My central purpose in writing these scripts was to be able to access my seven different databases, on 6 different servers, quickly and with a minimum of logging in, using passwords for each database, etc. This is a very light-weight application and responds quickly and effortlessly. The code is not sophisticated and could no doubt be improved, using OOP and other techniques, but the fact is it works quite well, as it is, and doesn''t require any special libraries and such.