
Updated: 08/09/2007

Document Generator [RTF PDF]

Document Generator Class is aiming to unify the generation of the printable documents using the common file formats - RTF and PDF. If there is a need of some application which could form certain information in a format, which could be easily downloaded from internet server and then opened, printed or saved by any internet user, and this class can help the owners of various web services to accommodate this need. This script is written in PHP and uses no additional components (plugins or else). The script works on Unix or Win32 platforms and require only PHP 4.x.x (or later) installed. With this script it is possible to create very complicated tables having full control over their look at the same time. It is possible to merge cells, change background color, control width and height of the cells. Even nested tables are supported, only you need to remember that this is not HTML, and nested tables will not always look like they do in HTML. The script supports images JPG and PNG