
Updated: 03/23/2008

tPanel Plus

As many of you may know, tPanel is a web hosting control panel specifically designed for use on plain web space without any requirements like &"root access&" which is required of almost every web hosting control panel. tPanel is different. tPanel provides a friendly user interface of a web hosting control panel while the innerworkings are based more on a &"manual&" automation, which means that when something such as a MySQL database or FTP account is created, the feature is not created automatically and is sent as a &"request&" to the administrator(s) who looks at the request with the details (e.g. database name, username, password, etc.) and creates the database in his/her web hosting account (on the parent web host, not in tPanel) and sets the details in the &"request&" as so (&"username&" =&> &"u123456&") and fulfills the request by setting it to &"ready&". tPanel Plus differs from tPanel by several corrections to the code, improved interface and styles, new file manager, new modules, and more!