
Updated: 04/19/2008

Miniweb 2.0 Online Store

Studies show that it can take several thousand dollars and hours of Web development work to set up an online store. What if there is a better solution? What if you can plug and play a ready-made online store system on your Web site in minutes and start accepting credit card payments right away? You would be weeks and months ahead of your competitors. Instead of waiting for the store to be built or worrying about overrun budget, you would be actively executing your marketing campaigns and profiting from your sales. Miniweb 2.0 Online Store can make all this happen for you...quickly and easily. Its powerful catalog, membership program, shopping cart, and store management tools allow you to sell just about any products and services online. However, don''t take our words for it. Try out the demo to see for yourself if it''s the best store system for you...and if it would bring you the best return of investment.