
Updated: 05/11/2007

Spiral Events Calendar and Newsletter

A tool for anyone running a club or society, or any kind of organization that holds regular events. The script enables you to add event details(include images) to a database. These can then be copied, added to, edited or deleted as required by the administrator. A listing of events will then be generated for viewers, as well as a monthly events calendar. An RSS feed is automatically generated. Site visitors can sign up online to a newsletter. This can then be generated automatically to include event listings, and can be sent to subscribers using a choice of email programs. A navigation menu is generated automatically. The script is easy to install, it comes with an installer, so no programming at all is required. Adding a custom design is easy, you just need to load an additional stylesheet. The script is designed with security in mind, and includes secure login pages for administering the script online, and for user login, as well as spam filtering.