
Updated: 01/14/2008

Barcode Generator Google Gadget

This Google Gadget is part of the several projects MT-Soft has worked on related to barcodes. It allows its users to select the barcode encoding (128-A, 128-B, 128-C, 2of5 (Indust.), 2of5 (Int.), 2of5 (Std.), CODABAR, Code39 (3of9), Code93, EAN-8, EAN-13, ISBN, POSTNET, UPC-A, UPC-E), customize the resulting barcode (background and bar colors), as well as bar height and thickness and finally, the image type you want to create (PNG is the preferred one but you can also choose GIF or JPEG). You can then use the resulting image to add barcodes to whatever you want (DVD collection, old-things boxes, etc.).