
Updated: 01/02/2008

PHP calendar with AJAX driven agenda

This AJAX driven PHP calendar is made of three parts: the calendar (basic PHP), two OOP Classes (one for the handling of agenda data, one for the handling of the complex agenda form) and the script for the AJAX requests and form validation. Design and handling of the dynamic content are separated as it is usefull and loading problems of the calendar are notified with a warning message. This calendar offers two features: actual day and day matching agenda entry. The entry form offers task, location, importance, status, date, start time, end time and a textarea for the task details. One of the main parts is the completely dynamic created form - offering several possibilities of manipulation. Among other things you can enable and disable the input forms. The control over the form content is quiet powerfull: Thanks to arrays it can also be database driven. In the menu modus for example you have the full control over selected values. In total you have the control over ten form elements.