
Updated: 06/21/2007

Emprise JavaScript Charts

Emprise JavaScript Charts (EJSChart) is a pure JavaScript charting library which utilizes the &<canvas&> element and VML to provide cross-browser compatible, interactive Web 2.0 charts. EJSChart takes web charting to a new level by incorporating such features as automatic axis scaling, zooming, scrolling, smart ticks and Ajax-driven data loading. With its fully documented API, support for multiple chart types and data retrieval methods, EJSChart is extremely quick and easy to implement in any web site or web application that requires graphical display of data. Major features: * Interactivity: Zooming, Scrolling, Hints, Mouse Tracking, Mouse Events, Key Tracking Crosshairs. * EJSChart will calculate and scale automatically to fit whatever data it is presented with. * Auto Zooming, Scrolling: Too much data and not enough screen real estate? Show it all. Let your end users zoom in on the pieces they''re most interested in. * Ajax-driven data handler for real-time, live data feeds.