
Updated: 01/14/2007

CyberPet Content Management

Completely manage your Animal Shelter or Similar Facility with no Programming Experience! Full CMS that allows owners to upload pictures of cats or dogs. a.) Phone, Email, Website Address are modified on the back end. b.) HTML compatable Welcome message, enter and update your welcome message in plain text or html. c.) Add, Edit, Delete, and Update animals at your location to the database. d.) Pet fields include Type(Cat or Dog), Type(Stray or Adoption), Description (Up to 255 characters), Image file (Upload Gif or JPG) e.) Update your password with current password confirm and 2x double confirmation of new password. f.) Emails from interested browsers are automatically tagged with &"[CyberPet] Regarding an animal from your webpage.&" So you know where the email is coming from. g.) Auto generation of &"Send to Friend&" message, requires users to use there current email client preventing any unwarrented spam from your mail server. h.) Integrated hit counter on every page!