
Updated: 08/03/2007

fireBLAST - Mailing LIst Manager

fireBLAST - Mailing LIst Manager You can view exactly which subscriber opened your email, if they clicked on any links, if they unsubscribed and any bounces. You can develop unlimited number of lists and newsletters. Group newsletters into campaigns to track true results. fireBLAST can be integrated into your design in minutes. Allows for unlimited custom fields to be added. WYSIWYG editor available. HTML/Text based support. Schedule delivery of emails in the future. Unsubscribe link. Import from files, databases and more. Customizable templates you can create. Full integration into digiSHOP ecommerce and chatFUSE live support for quick importing of list. Phone support available through toll free number. Money-back guarantee. FREE online demo to show you the power and simplicity of fireBLAST.