
Updated: 05/07/2007

i-dreams guestbook server SQL

The guestbook server allows you to start a professional and secure guestbook service. The administration pleases with a clear structure and many functions. Some of the main functions are: clear user administration, sort and search, mailing list, guestbook profiles with permission profiles, main configs, guestbook configs, ad profiles and specific category ads, click consideration, FAQ, announcements, skins, language files, SSI/PHP/JS statistic functions, own fields, automated tasks, step by step registration, pw reminder, own templates (CMS like), perl code template implementation and many more... To make the guestbook and guestbook server functions safe, the script uses session ids, spam filter, e-mail verification, hidden codes, image verification and the &"guard&". This guestbook has many functions which make the usage interactive, safe and usable by everyone! The SQL version allows to store the data in any SQL database like MySQL, Oracle, MsSQL, Sybase...