
Updated: 12/31/2007

dhtmlxTreeGrid: Editable TreeGrid Control

dhtmlxTreeGrid is an Ajax UI component that empowers web developers to create editable data grids with expandable rows. TreeGrid represents both hierarchical and tabular data and supports rich client-side data entry, editing and sorting. Comprehensive and flexible JavaScript API allows complete customization of the component to meet any application needs. dhtmlxTreeGrid supports paging output, column resizing, drag-and-drop, serialization to XML/SCV, filtering, searching, grouping capabilities and much more useful and powerful features. The component provides a wide variety of cell formats including text, image, combo box, list box, checkbox, radio buttons, calendar, etc. Unique eXcell mechanism allows developers to easily create custom cell editors. dhtmlxTreeGrid also provides automatized communication with server data source through dhtmlxDataProcessor add-in that manages the process of loading/updating data on server side.