
Updated: 11/29/2006

HsCipherSDK Encryption Library

HsCipherSDK is an Encryption Library providing an API to a suite of symmetric key cryptographic algorithms and one way hash digital signature algorithms. The library includes the following block and stream cipher modules: * AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) - FIPS 197 * DES and Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard) - FIPS-46-1, FIPS-46-3 * ARC4 (Alleged RC4) CAST-128 (a.k.a CAST5) - RFC 2144 * Blowfish algorithm * Twofish algorithm * MD5 message digest algorithm - RFC 1321 * SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) - RFC 3174 HsCipherSDK includes s standard DLL for use from Visual C, standard DLL for use from Visual Basic and ActiveX DLL (COM object) for use from Visual C, Visual Basic or any other language supporting activeX. HsCipherSDK itself is fully written in Visual C (plain C style) and the source code is included with HsCipherSDK Plus edition HsCipherSDK allows the calling user application to perform the following operations: