
Updated: 11/21/2006

VentureMore Site Suite

Have you ever wanted to run your own tour, adventure or tourism site? Maybe you only wanted to showcase or promote some items && products. But because of a budget, no programming or web design knowledge, you stopped,or maybe you just did not know where to start. VentureMore is easy to setup and a breeze to learn.You will be equipped with:Forums,E-PC site messenger,graphical polls && graphs, Charts so you can review statistics about people coming to your site, testimonial areas,News && events,Calendar,Discount control,gallery or photo album control to show the world the tours or packages you offer and places you will take them. This brilliant piece of software runs on minimal resources and gives you options when choosing a host or hosting company to run your website.It runs on both linux && Windows (NT,XP,2000) servers.It is compatible with PHP,GD,MySQL && most browsers.Making it the perfect cross browser,complete open source,cross platform solution today.Live it,experience it,VentureMore