
Updated: 08/10/2006

MX Kollection Pro

MX Kollection Pro is a bundle of the most popular Dreamweaver extensions coming from InterAKT. The bundle contains state of the art tools that allows you to develop membership based websites, portals, blogs, image galleries, e-Commerce, CMS, CRM, back-end and other web-based solutions providing you with advanced tutorials and wizards and without requiring advanced programming knowledge from your side. To mention just few of the features available, there are: Multiple file/image upload, Many-to-many with supplemental fields, Master-Detail lists and forms, Watermark copyrighted photos, CAPTCHA spam protection, Send e-mail attachments, More secure user login, Filter offensive content, Upload progress bar, Maximum login tries, User access statistics and many more... This bundle is the WINNER of the MOST INNOVATIVE APPLICATION chosen by more than 17,000 readers of MXDJ&&CFDJ Magazine.