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Updated: 11/21/2007
Video Flash Chat is the right software to provide 2 way AV presence to your website''s users. It can be used on a wide range of websites (chat for dating, live support, adult videochat). See the Video Girls BiZ edition if you need it for an adult ppv video chat website business. The software supports 2 way realtime audio && video chat and fast private chat sessions - all 100% web based and monitored trough the webmaster area. Session monitoring and control for ppv extensions, webmaster features are done trough regular server using php scripts and a mysql database to limit load and bandwidth comsumption on the FMS server. e webmaster interface is powered by the ATEOM - Webmaster Power Tools , the same engine that powers one of the best commercial matchmaking software available online: Match Agency . The look of the chat is completely customizable with the template based design.
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