
Updated: 05/23/2008

Power Redirector

Power Redirector redirects your traffic the way you see fit. Filter visitors based on IP, IP-range, country, language, user-agent / browser, referrer, keywords, phrases proxies or any combination and redirect them to any url you want. Includes a daily updated ip-to-country database to ensure you have the most up-to-date country information. It''s possible to integrate Power Redirector through your .htaccess file. The second way to integrate Power Redirector is to include the redirecting file in a page. When Power Redirector is integrated, you can start adding rules. Power Redirector uses a rule-based setup, which means that all requests are checked against the first rule, and if not caught by the first rule it will go on to the second etcetera. If no matching rules have been found, no action will be taken and the user will be sent to the requested page. Demo available.