
Updated: 06/30/2006

clonefish - PHP form generator class

A proven and mature PHP class aimed to aid the creation of professional self-validating input forms. - easy configuration using a simple PHP array - client-side + server-side form validation (cross-browser JavaScript and PHP) - automatic form generation with customizable layouts (no need to type HTML) - static and dynamic form input elements. Values for dynamic elements are retrieved from database queries (out-of-the-box support for AdoDB, Pear DB, native MySQL and very easy to extend) - some very handy special element types (FCKEditor support, file selector and much more!) - valid XHTML output, accessibility features - templating support (eg. Smarty) by exporting the form elements to an array - multilanguage support for outputting error messages or other information - entirely Unicode compatible ...and much more! A _useful_, non-expiring free version is also available!