
Updated: 07/05/2006

Pixel Script - Your Own Pixel Website

Would you like to have your own pixel advertising site? Our Pixel Website Script is so optimized and automated that you can get your pixel ad site running in no time. This pixel advertising script will not only allow a great buying experience and maximize your pixel advertising sales, it is also easy for you to set up and maintain. Pixel Script''s customization is a breeze. Web based customization with a single global configuration file makes it easy for you to configure your website. Also with full source code given to you, you can customize or even change the functionality any way you want it to be. Template pages are given so that you can add pages in a snap. You can create your own pixel block sizes and how big you want your blocks to be. You can set a limit on the blocks that can be bought at one time. You can setup your site to show text when an image is hovered over or show an image when a pixel is hovered over.