
Updated: 04/23/2006


&<p&>Netref is a PHP/MySQL-based directory script that supports an unlimited number of categories and links. &<br/&> The scripts include many fonctions to manage links : &<br&> - Fast search engine&<br&> - Alias system&<br&> - Validity-check of URL&<br&> - Full Workflow system &<br&> - Template system, thumbshoot, Awards, &<br&> - Multi-Advertisement system&<br&> - Script include multi-language support (French, English : very easy to add langage with a package system).&<br&> - &<strong&>Administration system use AJAX (Web 2.0)&</strong&> style system to improve management of the directory.&<br&> - It is possible to manage users to restrict acces to the directory and manage contributions. &<br&> - It is possible to add custom field, too (text or file : the script include evolutive upload system) &<br&> - The script is fully compatibilte with Register Global=Off, URL Rewriting to improve presence on majors search engines. &</p&> &<p&> &<em&>Lots of plug-in are avalaible to add custom functions.&</em&>&</p&>