
Updated: 05/24/2006 - Blog Mass Installer

How much more money could you make if you could effortlessly make dozens or hundreds of new blogs with just a few clicks of your mouse? The new Mass Blog Installer (R2BMI) creates blogger and wordpress blogs automatically on your own domain and if you have RSS to Blog, it will instantly add related projects for you. All you have to do is enter your keywords and let it go! R2BMI is installed on YOUR own domain and is NOT a subscription or membership based system. You buy it, you OWN it! Because it is hosted on your own domain and only being used by you, it is extremely fast at creating blogs. It is so fast, it can create a new blog every minute! Imagine creating hundreds of blogs and automatically adding new content that will keep search engines coming back for more everyday! R2BMI is the professional bloggers secret weapon to generating additional income from Adsense or YPN on a daily basis. You truly have to see this to believe it, but one thing is for sure, you''ll never forget it!