
Updated: 04/30/2008

Quick and Simple Form Creator for PHP (form-a-form)

The form-a-form will allow you to create a form that you can use as a template, or rather as a really great start for your forms. It not only generates the HTML code for the form, but generates the PHP query aspects of the form as well. It is quite simply to get you started, and get all the monotonous and boring form tags setup stuff out of the way up front, allowing you to concentrate more on the analytical design concept and form tweaking instead. What this form does is ask for some information that will help layout your form, then provide the html code for you to use. Form-a-form will provide the code for: 1. The initial form (form preview), as a user would see it when they first arrived, 2. The form as it would be if the form were posted back to itself (end user), and 3. A link to my Database Record Selector and Editor (DB-RSE) which allows for editing of recorded data (admin).