
Updated: 10/30/2006


SolidState is an open-source web-based billing and customer management solution for web hosting providers. It is written in PHP, uses MySQL, is fully templated with Smarty templates, and is built on-top of a modular framework with support for third-party payment gateways and domain registrars. SolidState includes two interfaces: an order/signup interface for new and existing customers to place orders for hosting services and domains, and a manager interface for administering customers, services, and orders. Features include: * Open Source (GPL) * PHP / MySQL * An easy to customize interface for accepting orders from new and existing customers * Smarty templates * Modular framework, including modules for: * (payment gateway) * Paypal (3rd party payment processor) * Reseller Club (domain registrar) * I18n support, including translations for: English, Portuguese, and Italian