
Updated: 03/11/2006

EZ Store

EZ Store is a simple Mambo/Joomla! e-commerce solution for online sellers. It uses native PayPal button code, and you can use &"buy now&" buttons and &"add to cart&" buttons. EZ Store is perfect for individuals or community sites - as site members can also sell products through your site store. Just about everything is configurable via the admin control interface, and it doesn''t require any complex e-commerce settings. Other features include recursive directory structure, recommend to friend, commenting, voting, slide show, admin WYSIWYG support so you can add multiple product images to the product description area and much more. You can also team EZ Store with a PayPal IPN script - to manage electronic product delivery/access. EZ Store also comes with a built-in image uploader with thumbnailing functionality, full language support with a number of translations already available, and a popular products module is also available.