
Updated: 03/14/2006

Visual Basic (VB) Script Tutorials - Herong''s Tutorial Notes

This free Visual Basic (VB) Script tutorial book is a collection of notes and sample codes written by the author while he was learning VB Script himself. It can be used as a tutorial guide for beginners or a reference book for experienced developers. Topics include: Visual Basic, VB Script, Data Type, Variable, Variant, Array, String, Operation, Expression, If Else, Loop, While, For Each, Procedure, Function, Null, and Conversion. Main sections are: - What Is Visual Basic? - Data Types and Literals - Numeric Operations - Comparison and Logic Operations - String Operations - Variables - Declaration and Assignment - Expressions - Statements and Grammar - Array Declaration - Fixed-Size Array Example - Dynamic-Size Array Example - Conditional Statements - Loop Statements - &"For ... Next&" Statements - &"While&" Statements - Defining and Invoking Function Procedures - Defining and Invoking Sub Procedures - Rules of Passing Arguments - Passing Array as Arguments - Variable Scope in Procedures
  • Categories
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License,
    • Free for non-commercial use
  • Author
    • Dr. Herong Yang