
Updated: 03/03/2006


SimpleOptIn is an easy way to set up your very own confirmed opt-in mailing list system using PHP and MySQL. A confirmed opt-in list ensures that no one gets your email without requesting it, by requiring subscribers to verify their subscriptions before they receive any messages. This is the responsible way to run a mailing list, and it will cut down or eliminate the possibility of your mail being viewed as spam. Over the past few years, spam has become a huge problem on the internet. Unfortunately, many sites run &"opt out&" or &"single opt-in&" lists, which contribute to the spam problem by allowing bogus signups, typo addresses, malicious or revenge signups, and more. Such unverified subscriptions taint the mailing list, and are wide open for abuse. Don''t let your mailing list fall into this category! Run your list or newsletter responsibly, by using a confirmed opt-in system such as SimpleOptIn.